Martello Gallery-Key West Art and Historical Museum

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938 Whitehead St
Key West, FL 33040 Key WestRate and review
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On June 19, 1972, it was added to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places. It is the best-preserved example of the Martello style of military architecture in the country.Fort East Martello Museum & GardensThe site is now known as the Fort East Martello Museum & Gardens, and features exhibits of local history and art. Displays include early settlement, sponging and fishing, Cuban influence, military involvement, writers and other characters. The museum notably houses Robert the Doll, a supposedly haunted doll belonging to the late artist Robert Eugene Otto. The museum also features works by folk artist Mario Sanchez, and art created from junk by Stanley Papio.The Key West Art & Historical Society operates the museum.

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Get to know Martello Gallery-Key West Art and Historical Museum

The Martello Gallery-Key West Art and Historical Museum, is a historic site located at 3501 South Roosevelt Boulevard, Key West, Florida, United States.

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