When New Times purchased a small fortnightly newspaper in late 1987, the Miami metropolitan area was served by two dailies, populated with aging retirees, begging for tourists, and struggling to invent a place called South Beach. And of course it moved to a Latin beat.
Today the Latin beat remains, but a couple of other things have changed. There is only one daily paper. The median age has dropped dramatically.
Drawing on the talents of an accomplished editorial staff recruited from all across the country, New Times has established a reputation for compelling stories ignored or overlooked by major media, for insightful coverage of local arts and entertainment, and for unflinching exposure of Miami's steamy political life. That reputation for high-caliber journalism has spread beyond South Florida. The paper has won more than seventy first-place awards for editorial excellence, statewide and nationally.
Miami New Times is still young and dynamic. And of course, like the city it serves, it moves to a Latin beat.
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Tourists come to play all year round. South Beach's nightlife scene is world famous. And Miami New Times, now with a circulation of more than 70,000, has become the region's essential compendium of news and information for residents and visitors alike.
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